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You must now use - or are thinking of using - ChannelCRM. We assume that you have come so far, because you see the need to improve performance when it comes to sell more, better and faster. Perhaps also to provide better customer service to your existing customers, ensuring your business better.


Do you recognize yourself in the above, you are on the right track. CRM is the way forward when it comes to upgrading your sales - and ChannelCRM is the most effective way to CRM.


With this help in front of you, you have a recipe on how to get started. Technically, in terms of setup and licenses. But also more practical: How is it used? Where do we get the data from? What is a campaign? What should we require of our users?


Speaking of users: ChannelCRM used today in companies with number of users ranging from one to up to a hundred. Depending on the user number, there may be a difference between what one emphasizes. But regardless of user count applies to each user should benefit from the system. Otherwise, it is simply not used optimally.


The book's authors coincide with the owners of the company ChannelCRM. This means that you should not expect impartiality here. We think that ChannelCRM is good and that it is improving all the time. And then we are not born to sell any competitors.


However, there is also a great advantage in that the authors are so deeply involved: We have tried almost everything within CRM on your own body and has earned expensive experience. Only after a total of 50 years in the job functions in sales, sales management and directors of some of Denmark's most competitive companies, we have even gone into the supply side of CRM.


We like to think of this experience into ChannelCRM and we hope that the same experiences benefit this manual.



What can you expect to get out of CRM?


Yes, the benefits fall slightly in different categories:


1.You can count on you and your employees get to work more efficiently. To have an overview of everything that has happened and planned to ensure that all agreements are kept, that one can not "forget" sales opportunities and not to waste time in searching for information or trivial work.


2.So you can count on being able to keep better fixed in customers. Today is the primary factor that differentiates the suppliers, the manner in which they handle customers. You can with CRM ensure that you are at least as good as your best competitor.


3.Your company will be worth more. With CRM you get documented how well your company has hold of customers. The ability to retain existing customers and attract new customers is a very important factor when an outsider to assess the value of your business.


4.You have a better opportunity to control and navigate your company's future. Most of us have to constantly adapt sales efforts and customer handling to changing market conditions. This is very difficult if you first discover problems when they are visible in orders. With CRM you get the opportunity to discover trends - while they are trends. And you get the ability to manage sales efforts proactively.


Many choose CRM solely by the desire to gain advantages in the first category. There is no problem in and in any case, there must be benefits to be gained here. Otherwise it becomes very difficult to get your colleagues motivated for a use CRM. Here we will simply point out that the benefits of the other categories can be just as valuable. And it pays to work a bit to take advantage of these additional benefits.



Who is to make all this for you?


The short answer is - it needs you. We and our partners would like to help in the implementation of CRM, but the more active you and your colleagues involved, the more surely when the great goal. CRM is tightly integrated with your way of working, with your vision for the customers and with the culture of want to reflect that one can not leave it to "black suit" to make choices. Take therefore welcome your advice. Leave trivial input routines and data to the other. But be 100 percent with the process of developing your own company's use of CRM.



And when do we get started?


Again, the short answer: Now. We have yet to see the business that does not have highly visible and easily identifiable challenges when it comes to sales and customer contact. Solve them immediately and then consider what should be the next step.


Too many start up with big, expensive analysis projects in situations where the truth about the needs are so banal that the resulting report could be created with copy-paste. These the projects have a tendency to nevertheless lead to conclusions that show the necessity of very large customer specific adaptations or even development. If your business can afford (and can afford to wait for the result), so this method might be good enough. Top 100 companies use this fremgang.Hvis not you are among Denmark's 100 largest companies, so you will with this manual in hand could see how you and your business quickly and efficiently come up with the best when it comes to selling and customer handling. Welcome!



The guide's structure


The guide is composed of general sections (like this) and sections that are specific to the use of ChannelCRM.

We take in the guide based on that you co-founded a new company, and that therefore you with CRM will provide a good foundation for sales.


From there we take step by step step towards greater utilization of the opportunities in CRM.


We are aware that you are not necessarily in exactly the wizard's situation. Therefore, you can certainly skip a little quickly over some of the chapters. It may also be that you choose a slightly different order of implementation. Depending on what is now the most value in your situation.


Each of International Assistance section applies to an isolated area and within the section, we have tried to start with more general issues and a discussion about the possibilities. After this ends the chapter with videos on how these options then use the CRM system.


We therefore believe that with the help of the hand (on the screen) - as a guide - can come from a "CRM zero" to be among the companies taking most advantage of CRM. Let it come to the test!



And who is so Helle Cross?


When CRM is used in a business, awakens a lot of emotions in those who must work with it. In itself this is not strange for many things and habits come to the surface; some things need to be changed and it may even be that this particular "CRM-introduction" - for each employee - is number four in the series. And the other went wrong!


That it awakens emotions are fundamentally positive, thus they can muster more energy than indifference. But it is of course to ensure that the emotions forward in a way that can be used constructively. Therefore, it is a good idea to familiarize themselves with some of the feelings and reactions that can be expected.


To describe this in concrete terms, we have invented four people, as we saw quite stereotypical attaches attitudes and reactions. The characters are:



Charlie Sound

Helle Cross

Ole Sour

Bente Diligence





Personality and attitude from perhaps the names. It is intentional. On the other hand we do not no intentional in terms of attitudes' relationship with sex and age.


Although sales have ample opportunity to get her any prejudices about age and sex, so luckily there are so many examples of people who disprove these prejudices that they are and will remain - prejudices.


It may be that the examples we are using the persons reactions seem too trivial to be right. We think even they are. In the real world there is more depth than that, our four Bente, Ole, Helle and Soren. If you miss this depth, so buy a good book on sales psychology. Or take in some of the courses offered on the subject.


Our hope is that you can still find a bit of yourself in the characters that your colleagues can find something about themselves and then of course, you can see if your colleague's reaction to something is a "typical Ole".